Removes geographic location requirements and allows patients in their homes access to telehealth services for diagnosis, evaluation, and treatment of mental health disorders. 31, 2023 to collect data to determine whether services should be permanently added to the telehealth list following the COVID-19 PHE. Telehealth: Permitting certain services added to the Medicare telehealth list to remain on the list to the end of Dec. Would allow collection of data through the CMS Web Interface for an additional two years, through performance year 2023. Medicare Shared Savings Program: Proposes a longer transition for the Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) reporting electronic clinical quality measure/Merit Based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) all payer quality measures under the Alternative Payment Model Performance Pathway. The timeframe was delayed to take into account the impact that the PHE has had on providers and beneficiaries. 1 that follows the declared end of the public health emergency (PHE), whichever is later, instead of Jan. Appropriate Use Criteria Program (AUC): Would initiate payment penalty of the AUC program on Jan. Electronic Prescribing of Controlled Substances: Establishes exceptions to the requirement for electronic prescribing of controlled substances and proposes to extend the start date for compliance actions to Jan.
Under the primary care exception specifically, only medical decision-making would be used to select the visit level.
Teaching Physician Time: Clarifies that the time when the teaching physician was present can be included when determining the E/M visit level. Split/Shared Visits: Defines split (or shared) E/M visits as visits provided in a facility setting by a physician and a non-physician provider in the same group, and states that the practitioner who provides the substantive portion of the visit would bill for the visit. Refines E/M polices: Clarifies and refines policies related to split (or shared) E/M visits, critical care services, and services furnished by teaching physicians involving residents. This is due in part to the expiration of the 3.75% payment increase provided for in CY 2021 by the Consolidated Appropriations Act.
Conversion Factor: Lowers the conversion factor from $34.89 in calendar year (CY) 2021 to $33.58 for CY 2022, a decrease of $1.31. 13.īelow are of some of the key proposals in the rule: Physician Fee Schedule Highlights: The AAMC will provide comments on the proposed rule, which are due to CMS by Sept. This rule includes updates to payment rates for physicians and other health care professionals, expands the use of telehealth, clarifies evaluation and management (E/M) policies, proposes policies for the 2022 performance year of the quality payment program, and includes many other provisions.
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) released the 2022 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (PFS) and Quality Payment Program (QPP) proposed rule on July 13. Summer Health Professions Education Program