If you want to discuss or highlight an officially released song then make a self post and describe why you like the song rather than posting a link with a title of "what an underrated gem". If the post doesn't need to be a link post, don't post a link and instead, make a self post. Opposite of that also applies (With the exception of Leaks and Hate Speech). If the post meets the criteria for a valid post but is clearly not a great post, let's let the downvotes do the talking. This is due to the best interest of the band. If the post or comment is directly referencing, or asking for a link to an album leak, it will be removed. Look what I bought! threads (unless the merchandise is decidedly notable).ĭiscussions that have been had many times or don't actually encourage discussion ("What's your favorite album?", "does anyone else like St.

Similar posts about other bands that are directly related to Metallica (Your sweet cover of Hit the Lights, Mustaine talking about his Metallica days, etc.) ("What do you think the meaning is behind Unforgiven?"). Mature discussions that promote community input. Memes are not allowed outside of Monday.Meme Monday starts at 8 AM CEST and ends the next day at the same time)